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About TUUR Adventure experts

We are a group of professional mountain guides specialized in diferent fields, based in Andalucía, Menorca and the Pyrenees.

Who we are

TUUR Adventure Experts is the union of a professional team of mountain guides with various specialist fields, based in Andalucía, Menorca and The Pyrenees, who offer their teachings and their services as guides in natural environments and all types of mountainous terrain.

TUUR Canyoning is a part of this Team specialized in canyoning guide, canyoning courses, children activities and special programs related with rivers sports.

Where do we work

We have severals operations centre, one based in Andalucía, in the city of Marbella, on the Costa del Sol, an other in Menorca (Cuidadella), and in the city of Barcelona. From thoses cities we plan our activities towards the naturals parks and áreas of Andalucia, balear islands (Formentera, Ibiza, Mallorca and Menorca) Pyrenees or traveling abroad to France, Italy, or Morroco.

Office team

Jose Moreno

CEO TUUR Adventure Experts

– TD Media Montaña
– TD Barranquismo
– TD Piragüismo
– Experto en escalada deportiva y clásica

Ancor Rodríguez

Marketing y Publicidad CMO

-Logistica y Montajes Team Buildings
-Gerente TI

Lluis Sabater

Director de ventas CSO

Diplomatura Turismo
Responsable Relación Clientes
Atención Clientes

Raffaele Fusco

Raffaele Fusco

Director de ventas CSO

Director Atención al Cliente
Turismo y relaciones públicas

Action team

Jose Cecilia

Director Actividades TUUR

– Profesor formación TECO
– Experto barranquismo y MTB

Israel Navarro

Director de actividades de playa

Monitor de Esquí
Experto en Escalada Deportiva
Animador de despedidas

Juan Antonio Salas

Coordinador de Seguridad TUUR

  • TD Barranquismo
  • TECO

Jose Carlos Rodríguez

Coordinador Técnico Barranquismo

  • TD Barranquismo
  • TD Media Montaña
  • TD Espeleología
  • Campéon Andaluz Barranquismo

Adrian Jimenez

TD Barranquismo

– Bombero

Alejandro Pavón

Coordinador Campamentos Jovenes

  • Experto en programas físico-deportivos
  • Monitor de Esquí

Sixto Serrano

Coordinador Técnico TUUR

– Licenciado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte
– TD Espeleología
– TD Barranquismo
– Profesor Escuela Andaluza de Espeleología
– Miembro del Espeleosocorro Andaluz

Daniel G. Beck

Director Logistica TUUR

– TD Espeleología
– TD Barranquismo
– Experto en MTB

Christian G. Beck


-Experto en conducción MTB

Francisco Delgado

Experto en actividades del mar

– Yachtmaster
-Patrón de Yate
-Monitor de Motos Acuáticas

Flor Hervas


– Experta en rutas de Montaña y MTB

Krishna Salleras


– Experto en conducción MTB
– Experto en Barranquismo
– Experto en Mecánica y
– Construcción de Refugios de

Nicolás Gómez


– TD Espeleología
– TD Barranquismo
– Aspirante a Bombero


TD Montaña

– Monitor de Ocio y Tiempo Libre
– TD Barranquismo
– Experta en Escalada Deportiva

Martin López

TD Espeleología

– TD Barranquismo
– Experto en conducción MTB

Registered for Active Tourism

We are an ‘adventure tourism company’ which complies with all the rules and legislations in force in each of the Autonomous Communities where it performs its activities.

-Is registered in the “Registro de Turismo Activo” (Active Tourism Register) with the No: RTA AT/MA00141
-Is subscribed to a “Seguro de Responsabilidad Civil” (Civil Liability Insurance) with the policy No: RC/0316/1. Company: RUA, SL (Reinsurance Underwriting Agency) ERIC (European Risk Insurance Company).

-We have also an accident inssurance although is not mandatory for Andalusia area. We think is important to give the maximum quality and service to all our customers.

-Its workers are qualified as Sports Technicians for mountain sports practising: Expedition Climbing S.T., Mountaineering S.T., Canyoning S.T. and Climbing S.T.
-Its workers have carried out the Corresponding Request/ Declaration for Registration on the Official Register for Sports Professionals of Catalonia
-They are subscribed to a “Seguro de Responsabilidad Civil” (Civil Liabilty Insurance) with the policy No: RC/0316/1. Company: RUA, SL (Reinsurance Underwriting Agency) ERIC (European Risk Insurance Company).


Quality of Human Resourses
An essential premise that each of the team members of TUUR Canyoning will offer, is their caring qualities when dealing with the customers. Their knowledge and mastery in their specialist field, is the other pillar which underpins our quality base. As such, the human team we have available is the reflection of the quality product we have on offer.

Our Canyoning Guides | Credentials

Our canyoning guides:
All the canyoning guides of Expandetumundo have the highest qualifications in their specialist field, issued by The Ministry of Education (Sports Technicians).

We also belong to AEGM (Asociación Española de Guías de Montaña) and UIMLA (Union of International Montain Leader), which internationally represent the canyoning guides.

What is a Canyoning Guide?
A canyoning guide is a person qualified as much to guide a group as to teach in any field pertaining to canyoning activities. The guides have been trained and prepared for taking decisions in the different situations that may arise in a canyoning to arrive at the best resolution, using their evaluation skills and their technical and environmental knowledge. It is the best guaranty of safety and success for the people who accompany them.

In the future, always request the credentials of the guide you contract, to guaranty the quality of the activities and your safety.
Since 2003, the training has been made official, bestowing a State Title of competence from the Education Department of the different Autonomous Communities.

Royal Decree 1913/1997. Royal Decree 318/2000. Decree 243/2003.



My name is José and I'm here to guide you on your next Canyoning Adventure! Write me a message through WhastApp.

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