Canyoning is an adventure sport with different levels of difficulty. Although some people may think that no special equipment is needed for lower level canyoning, as it can be confused with a 'simple river walk', it is important to be aware that canyoning, like all...
A place to gather information about or beloved sport
What is canyoning, canyoneering or kloofing?
Canyoning (or canyoneering in the United States, kloofing in South Africa) is an adventure sport that consists of descending the course of a river, normally in its upper or middle course, where the orography of the river causes the water to have a higher speed and to...
The 4 best canyoning trips on the Costa del Sol
Best places to do canyoning in Costa del Sol This is an article about the 4 best canyoning on Costa del Sol (Andalusia). Here you will find the reasons why they are the top 4, and find some useful information to make decisions about which adventure canyoning would be...
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