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(this article will be updated with new information provided by the government, associations, organisms and as we advance in the de-escalation)

Marbella, 1 of may of 2020

After the state of alarm and the most rigorous confinement, the Spanish government announces the gradual lifting of the limitations imposed and the de-escalation towards a ‘new normality’.

From TUUR, and our desire to offer you new safe, quality adventures, within this framework, initially planned in 4 PHASES (0, 1, 2, 3), we have worked hard and prepared to open our doors from the 11th of May (date to be confirmed by the government for Phase 1).

Is it possible to do safe activities from May 11 (Phase 1), such as canyoning, hiking, via ferratas, kayaking, mtb…?

Yes it is possible and regulated by the Ministry of Health (see attached documents), all within an organized framework, prepared and with new safety measures, protocols and hygiene adopted such as social distance, limited number of participants in each phase, use of masks/screens, cleaning of equipment and other measures. I want to be safe: it is possible in Phase 1 to go to the hairdresser or meet up to 10 friends as long as the established protocols are maintained, how much more so for an active outdoor tourism activity where contact is minimised and the same measures and protocols (see page 11 attached document Ministry of Health of 03/05/2020) are infinitely more on the side of safety.


What does TUUR offer during the various Phases?

At TUUR Canyoning we have prepared for the best outdoor activities during Phase 1, so that

  • canyoning
  • hiking and night hiking
  • cultural trekking in the white villages
  • mountain bike and e-bike routes
  • via ferrata
  • survival programs
  • we are working on our new kayak routes

In PHASE 1 the groups will be reduced and the ratio of guide per client will be minimized to guarantee the quality and safety of all participants. We will keep our summer offers and reduce the price for families with children in PHASE 1 and 2 until July 15th. This is an ideal phase for families with a desire for adventure (for these cases it will not be necessary to maintain social distance as they form a family unit). The groups of Singles’ Farewells will be of a maximum of 12 participants with two guides and maintaining the social distance whenever they live in different homes (as it is required in the PHASE 1 for the meetings of friends)

We will postpone for PHASE 2 the Incentive and Team Building groups (according to our current capacity and risk assessment) with a ratio limited to 24 participants (although this could be increased if we subdivide a larger group into smaller groups). All the other private groups such as friends, stag and hen parties, families, etc. will be included in this PHASE 2. The open groups in PHASE 2 (where unknown people join), will never be more than 8.

And the most numerous groups of Incentive and Team Building we delegate them to the PHASE 3. To date we do not have limitations of capacity for the PHASE 3 as long as the measures of social distance and other measures of hygiene are maintained. For Phase 3 the open groups will continue to be equal or less than 8 as we have always ensured in our company to guarantee the quality of the activity.


Are all the activities started in the same PHASE? Are the same hygiene and safety measures for all or each one adapted?

This is important; each activity, each ravine or hiking route or via ferrata has specific characteristics and the safety, protection, distance measures… may differ from one to another. Although there is a common denominator in all phases and is the precautionary distance between people from different residential units, and when at certain times this distance must be reduced for extraordinary reasons our guides have individual protection adapted to the activity and certificates such as gloves, masks, screens, gel … Another of the limitations in PHASES 1 and 2 is the mobility of the participants, which in these phases and for our company TUUR must be the Province of Malaga. In PHASE 3 we will extend our activities in adjacent provinces that are also in PHASE 3. That is, we will be able to travel from Malaga to Valencia, for example, as soon as all the provinces from Malaga to Valencia are in PHASE 3. To make it easier to understand, we have indicated in each activity of this web page in which PHASE you can start.


How can I move around in the different phases?

This is a frequent question and we encourage you to read it in the documents that we attach to this blog. From Phase 1, transportation by bus, train, taxi and even if you share private transportation is regulated and possible.

We are always at your disposal for any question through our telephone or contact form.

We hope with all our heart that you can once again enjoy nature with all possible guarantees during these difficult months for everyone on a moral or economic level. We add our affection to all those who have lost a loved one, hoping that all this great trial will help us to be, all the people in the world, countries, lines of thought (…) united as the great family that we are, under the motto ‘The earth is one country and the inhabitants are its citizens’.

The TUUR Adventure Experts team 01 May 2020

Marbella, 9 of may of 2020

Update of our article of Active Tourism and Measures in front of the Covid-19 (of last May 04)



The new BOE 130 document of Saturday May 5, 2020 is more concise about the protection measures, contingency plans to be prepared, health and hygiene measures, safety protocols and information for the participants of a tourism activity or the number of participants allowed in phase 1 to active tourism companies.

In the light of this renewed information we write this article.

As we had predicted last week with the first drafts of the first bulletin, in phase 1 of de-climbing a reduced number of people will be allowed, less than 10 and maintaining safety distances equivalent to 2 meters and in open spaces. Active tourism activities will not be allowed in closed spaces and only the reception area of the premises and toilets will be allowed provided that they comply with the regulated hygiene measures.

Maintaining the safety distance of 2 meters will not be necessary to use masks, screens or other elements between participants and guide. However, in specific cases, when this safety distance cannot be maintained, protective equipment appropriate to the level of risk (masks, screens, gloves, disinfectant…) must be used. There are other recommendations by the AEGM (Spanish Association of Mountain Guides) in which in these cases do not speak directly looking at the participant and other measures.

The equipment must, of course, be disinfected according to the hygienic-sanitary measures established after each use by the client, following the updated list of virucidal products of the Ministry of Health.

The protocols of action for protection, information and measures will be defined and included in a contingency plan drawn up by each active tourism company and adapted to each of the activities, specific natural environment, age range, etc.


What are the safety measures maintained by our TUUR Adventure team?

The security measures we have proposed are more extensive than the minimum measures proposed by the Ministry of Health and are on the side of the safety and comfort of the participants. We have adapted each of the activities we offer (canyoning, trekking, kayaking, via ferrata, mountain biking and ebiking…) to these measures so that the groups will be smaller than those proposed by the Health Department, except for the trekking activities which, in most cases, allow a greater safety distance to be maintained, groupings to be made more easily and usually do not require so much help from the guide. This is the contingency plan that the Health Department asks us to draw up together with our professional guides and the regulations on the prevention of occupational hazards. Groups made up of minors and children also have their own particular considerations. 


Exclusive measures for Phase 1

The government states that: ‘The number of participants per group will be a maximum of 10’ according to the new official state bulletin nº130 of 09 May 2020, art. 47 (which we attach).

  • Our open canyoning groups of level 1 and 2 will be of a maximum of 6 participants for this Phase 1 and 4 participants for higher levels. Levels 3 or 4 will be limited to later phases (Phase 2 for level 3 and New Normal for level 4).
  • Our private canyoning groups of level 1 will be a maximum of 8 participants with 2 guides for this Phase 1. Higher levels will be limited even more.
  • Groups larger than 8 participants in canyoning are possible, but they should be divided into two, three, to carry out the activities maintaining a distance of 5 minutes between the groups.
  • Reservations will be made directly online without having to have a contact at the reception of the premises.


Common measures for Phase 1, 2 and 3

Practically all the security measures, protocols (…) are exactly the same in all three phases, except for the number of participants allowed or others such as seating in premises.

  • As already announced in the documents of late April and early May drawn up by the Ministry of Health, a safety distance of 2 metres will be maintained. This measure is the same in all 3 phases without variation. Our company, in the 3 phases, will maintain the minimum distances of 2 meters between the participants of different family units/convivences, and between the guide, except in the specific cases in which the guides will use neoprene masks and/or screens, as well as gloves.
  • The activities offered in each of the phases will avoid popular tours or moments of the tours that may be overcrowded.
  • We will provide all participants with EPI protective measures such as gloves for the canyoning activity and for those who feel more comfortable (this is not mandatory according to the different organizations). In principle it is not necessary to provide surgical masks except in specific cases of team building groups, incentives, groups of friends or bachelor parties where it is more difficult to maintain the intensity of the activity without infringing the distance. These are our recommendations and they are higher than those proposed by the Ministry of Health or the AEGM. The guides will carry safety measures at all times, such as gloves and disinfection products for everyone during the distribution of material and reception.
  • Before each activity, TUUR Adventure will inform the participants, both verbally and in writing by email, of the Safety Protocol and recommendations for the use of EPI and other elements, established for each activity, aimed at preventing contagion. In this way participants will know how to fully enjoy the activities with the highest possible protection.
  • The guides will be subject to a rigorous control of symptoms that may coincide with the COVID-19 and will be relegated by another guide if there is the slightest indication before any activity.
  • The Health Department prohibits high-risk individuals or groups from participating in these activities. These are the elderly (from 60 years of age) and people with cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, pulmonary diseases, diabetes, cancer, immunosuppression and pregnant women. Also all those people who present the symptoms compatible with a COVID-19 infection, such as fever, dry cough, tiredness. Participants must declare before the activity to TUUR that they are not part of these groups.
  • Declaration of Conformity document. After the explanation of the protocols, the Declaration of Conformity Document will be provided by which the participants understand the measures to be followed and take responsibility for their compliance for personal and collective health and safety. If a participant repeatedly fails to comply with the above, our company is obliged to invite the participant(s) to leave the activity..
  • Scrupulous cleaning of the equipment and personal and collective materials used during the activity. Each material will have a cleaning protocol according to its use and participation in the activity. Some equipment will be cleaned once after each of the activities and others will be cleaned continuously during the activity as materials that may be in contact with several participants (backpack, sticks …). The cleaning of all the materials will be done with biocide products, with certified virucide activity. Their marketing and use is regulated by Regulation (EU) No. 528/2012 as well as national regulations. The Ministry of Health has published on its website the list of products currently evaluated and registered for which virucidal effectiveness has been demonstrated. This list is periodically updated, depending on the approval of new products: : https://www.mscbs.gob.es/profesionales/saludPublica/ccayes/alertas Actual/nCov-China/documentos/Listado_virucidas.pdf. There are other personal cleaning measures by the guides such as their clothing, delivery and reception of materials (…)
  • All our team and professional guides for mountain, canyoning, via ferrata, kayaks are informed of all the measures of the contingency plan, as well as have prepared for the use of the EPI they use and will be happy to help and inform you of their best use.
  • The meeting points with the participants. As we have been doing up to now, the meeting points will be at the starting point of the activity and in a large space where we can organize ourselves, carry out the safety and security breefing against the COVID-19, distribute materials (…) maintaining the safety distances.
  • Means of transport (cleaning, disinfection, gauging). These restrictions and measures will be made more flexible as we progress through the different phases. It is not yet known how it will progress. At the moment we know that taxis, which include the transport that can be provided by active tourism companies such as ours, will have to limit the capacity to 2 people for each row of seats and travellers will have to wear a surgical mask. Likewise, the cleaning measures of the means of transport are specific and will be followed conscientiously by us in each transfer we make. If personal transportation is used, it is recommended that participants from different backgrounds do not share the same vehicle.


Does Malaga Province go to STAGE 1 on May 11? (as of May 11, 2020)

Our province has not yet passed to STAGE 1 (as of May 11, 2020), so we must wait for new information from the government and health. Due to the evolution of our province related to the comprehensive panel of indicators offered by the Health Department in its APPENDIX I of last April 28, we know that we are very close and it is a matter of days… we leave you here an approximation of the forecast as long as we evolve favorably.


We hope that this article has helped to clarify many of your doubts and give you the confidence to continue enjoying nature and stimulating group activities. We attach other documents for your information below.

We will continue to update the information according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health in order to continue fighting effectively against the virus and return to complete normality.


With all our love and dedication, the TUUR team

(11 may 2020)




My name is José and I'm here to guide you on your next Canyoning Adventure! Write me a message through WhastApp.

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